I was born in DC, but swiftly moved to Asia, where I spent most of my early life, save for a few stints in Virginia and Hungary. In high school, I discovered a love, but not a talent, for graphic design and illustration. I went to Miami University to study Interactive Media, where I've since worked on the talent part, learning web design, marketing, and use of the full Adobe Creative suite. I'm hoping to continue my education further at Miami, but also at actual work sites, to get first hand experience of the world after college.
My skills are use of the Adobe Suite, experience in design, both for print and web use, and I'm pretty handy with a camera. I also have some experience with online marketing. Oh, and I play the double bass, if that's important.
Most of my experience has been through either my classes at Miami, or side projects I've done for fun. However, over the summer of 2016, I took a brief internship with Fulbright Philippines, where I redesigned their brochures, gave them some basic graphic design guidelines for their brand, and taught them basic use of Illustrator and Photoshop. I really enjoyed my time working there, and I'm sure they'll say the same.
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