My capstone is a simulated environment where artists, specifically guitarists, can practice their performances in an environment that resembles a full performance space modeled after Souers Recital Hall in the Center for Performing Arts. Artists can practice in this virtual space in order to get used to performing in front of crowds and hopefully reduce performance anxiety.
The goal of this project was to design and implement a VR environment with an instrument that matches its real world analogue. It will be achieved by using Google Daydream’s existing support for motion tracking and a custom made touch sensor that will be fitted to the guitar. By using these, the experience is made more tangible by letting the musician feel more in control of their digital instrument.
I used an Arduino controller combined with touch sensitive tape attached to my bass guitar to detect specific frets played and display that information in a guitar hero style bar on the fret.

A simple video of the inside of the headset. It was a lot of hard work to get to this point, and even though it's rough, I'm very happy with it, especially for a single person.

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