I was contacted by this company to do a quick ad for them, and it was really fun to work with them! It was a fairly open ended project, and I really enjoyed working with them.

This was for a local catering company. After a year, they're still using the logo.

a logo that says chromatic crew in a grunge style with a rainbow next to it

This was for a friend's band. They ended up using one made by the band leader, but I'm still a huge fan of how it looks and gets their style and tone across.

This was created for my former high school orchestra. It was never used, but it was amazing practice and I got fantastic feedback the entire time. I really feel it helped me grow as a designer.

This is a piece I did for my family. It's Kauai, the family dog we've had for a long long time and I wanted to do hangable art to remember her by.

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